Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Demo Of A Woman Brazilian Wax

To Tesa, she does know of looks.

spring afternoon in this city, sunny, golden, not live, but were torn off. And nothing can beat a terrace cafe, letting our eyes at rest receive and file the images in the world. Only be the lens through which we penetrate intact life. What I see is the feature ridiculously bland in the face of the street and a day. A policeman believed to be the only break in the confusion of events and pillar do not know what regulatory power. Enemy of the street and put there to spy and receiving the proper tribute to his sense of order. I see a girl in the framework of an open window, which is part of the wall and yearns to break free from his embrace, that is their world. A drifter who, confined to the shadows of a sharp rise, takes cardboard and cigarette butts. At the top of the street, as the motto of the same, an advertising medium in a column, above a small vane that changes his mind according to the wind. A large man with a cigar and a clear American, who seems the embodiment of a grease spot on a spring day. The gesture of a waiter on the terrace neighbor who wants to kill a fly is more momentous than the fates of all customers on the terrace. The fly has escaped, and the waiter is disappointed. Why, oh waiter so hostile to a fly? A dog that rushes the ball after some kids blow up and stops at the object that lies inert on the ground, without reaching to understand how a rubber contraption so absurd and ridiculous is capable of boats so funny and lively , is the hero of a drama passenger. Only important the little things in life. In view of microscopic events, all pathos in vain, lost without direction. How small the more impressive parts of the monumentality of the whole. I do not need the bombastic gestures, trying to cover everything, the hero of world theater. I'm just an observer with a ray of spring sunshine.

advertising medium in which it announces in large characters, things like, for example, a brand of underwear, as if an ultimatum or a memento mori it were, I lose all respect . Somehow, I think, the illusory value of an ultimatum and underpants is revealed here in the way in which both find expression. What was announced in letters so large is low in importance and content. And I think that at this time there is nothing that is not announced with great characters. Therein lies his greatness. Nothing in this world who evade our thinking. We move: everything enters our eyes. Look further than the estimate a vast expanse where a slow computer world photo reveals. I see the sway unexpected, sudden, without any foundation, a swarm of mosquitoes around a tree trunk. Figure delicate jasmine branch resting on the wall of the garden. The vibration of a child's voice, unknown, lost in the air. Inaudible melody, sleeper, a life far away, perhaps even unreal.

said Antoine de Saint-Exupéry what is essential is invisible to the eyes, there is clearly only with the heart. The worst of our times is the lack of attention, dispersion, going from one place to another without seeing anything. Does no one look and see? The hardest thing to do is what we have around. No sleep under so many eyelids, which is nothing in the universe.


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