Friday, March 25, 2011

Rio Blue Light Tooth Whitening

Science, the new aristocracy! Progress. The world goes on!

Arthur Rimbaud, A Season in Hell

The Crowd (1928), King Vidor has a fresh narrative couple walking with their audacious sequences, such as that develop within large offices where he works John Sims (James Murray). Billy Wilder, thirty years later in apartment (1960) paid homage to Vidor film to showcase his unforgettable character CCBaxter. In its theme, the film presents the drama of a man trying his whole life to be somebody, but you just swallowed by the crowd, which in Spain Ortega y Gasset called The mass rebellion. In the final ambiguous, it was thought up to seven different possibilities, expressed the bitterness of failure to drive away the individual, but also fit different interpretations, which is why the solution of conflicts is, apparently, happy.

The description of the married life of the Sims, properly embodied by James Murray and Eleanor Boardman then Vidor's wife, has an authenticity that vibrates the screen. Vidor manages unforgettable moments of pathos, as the sequence of the abuse of the girl, when the desperate father goes out and asks the crowd to be quiet, that her daughter is sick. A policeman stops him and says, "The world can not stop because your daughter had an accident." planes is one of the most impressive and dramatic history of cinema.

John is a young lower middle class American to survive between the mediocrity of the crowd . With Bert, a coworker, dating girls a office, Mary and Artell, to Coney Island. Love with the first, early marriage contract. After a honeymoon in Niagara Falls, have two children. But then the need will urge them seriously.

esfervescencia In the middle of the "Happy 20", when it seems that life smiles to both win a prize of $ 500, and dream of success, the eldest daughter dies hit by a truck. This psychic and emotionally unbalance them. John, overcome with grief, loses his job, Mary, advised by his family, opt for separation. Feeling abandoned, he is about to commit suicide. Finally, get a job as "Man-ad" and also encouraged the couple's favorite music, marriage back together.

The final shows John, his wife and son sitting among the spectators at a small music hall, laughing at the antics of a clown. The camera goes back and rises to leave the crowd, as he had found. In fact the film was originally titled The Crowd (The crowd). This real and modest American tragedy was a premonition, in those years of crazy prosperity, hopes and limits for any citizen of the country at a time would break the great crisis of 1929: most economic catastrophe in history, with millions of unemployed and hunger marches.

Work mythical, therefore, advancing technical and narrative innovations, as discussed starting and ending, which then develop Orson Welles in Citizen Kane (1941) and which also invented the anti-hero in the cinema.

Every time I come to this film with the masterpiece of Paul Fejos Soledad, held in the same year, I have the conviction that we have not succeeded much. "The world goes on!".


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